
People, especially children, who have had vomiting, diarrhoea &/or conjunctivitis in the previous 7 days should not enter the pool.

McKeon’s Swim School is a smoke free zone, no smoking permitted on the property.

If you are unable to attend your lesson, your lesson is forfeited. There is no refund for cancelled lessons.

If eligible you will receive a make-up token to book into an alternative class within the next 45 days. Makeups not redeemed within this timeframe will automatically expire.

Make up tokens will appear on your customer portal after the time of the missed class, not at the time of cancellation.

Make ups are only available whilst you have an active booking. Once you withdraw from lessons any outstanding make ups are forfeited. 
Each booking within the mainstream Swim School perpetual program is eligible for 2 makes per month. 
Cancellation of your class must be received more than 60min prior to the start of the class. 
Make ups rely on other clients cancelling from their lesson and are only available if there is a suitable vacancy within the program. This is not guaranteed, especially during our busiest times. 
Notification of cancellation of your class and booking a make-up class can only be done online through the Customer Portal. 
  • All children 3 years and below MUST be double layered in a firmly fitting  “Happy Nappy” and a  disposable aqua nappy underneath, This is regardless of whether toilet trained or not.
  • This also applies to any children over the age of 3 years who are not completely toilet trained.
  • We reserve the right to ask any person that is not complying with this policy to exit the pool.
  • This Policy is in place to ensure the highest possible water quality for our patrons.

Please note that Happy Nappies are available for purchase at our Centre. Our staff will help ensure the correct size for your child.

Our center has one disabled toilet. Please be mindful of this when using this as a family room. 
We reserve the right to ask you to vacate this area if need be.
McKeon’s will keep lost property for a maximum of three weeks before donating or disposing of it.
Lost goggles will be put into our spare goggles basket.
Drink bottles will be disposed of unless there is visible identification on them and we are able to make contact with you.

Children 7 years and older are not permitted in opposite gender change room.

Please seek permission from the Deck Supervisor if you wish to take any photos or videos in the centre.

PL 1.20 Photography and Video Policy

  • All children under the age of 10 must be under active supervision of a person 16 years or older.
  • Parents and guardians are responsible for the children in their care and must actively supervise them at all times as per RLSSA Keep Watch Program*.
  • Equipment available for public use in recognized swimming activities only.
  • Any equipment borrowed must be returned to where it was borrowed from.
  • Children must adhere to Aqua Nappy Policy.
  • Only Swim School staff and contractors are permitted to conduct coaching or instruction at the Centre.
  • Please do not swim across lanes or hang off the lane ropes.
  • Please swim on the left hand side of the lane.
  • Patrons must obey directions from Centre staff at all times.
  • Only recognized swimwear is permitted in the pool.
  • No diving, running or bombing is permitted.

*RLSSA Keep Watch Program available from Customer Service team or from the www.royallifesaving.com.au

Please choose carefully as we do not refund or exchange.
Ask one of our staff members to help you with a fitting for goggles.
Please keep your underwear on when trying on swimwear.

Parents or carers must be in the centre for the entire duration of their child’s lesson that are under 10 years old. Children may be dropped off if enrolled in mini-squads (penguin or higher) however must report to the Customer Service Team at first lesson of each term to ensure we have correct Emergency Contact Details.